Discover The Healthy Way To Support Your Immune System, Protect Your Organs & Balance Your Body’s Alkaline/Acidic Levels – One Sip At A Time!
If you are looking for a natural, healthy and potent immunity booster beverage that will help offer you all the benefits of fermented foods without any life microorganisms or side-effects, then you should look no further!
Introducing The Teraganix EM-X Gold Immune Support Drink With EM Technology!
Now you can finally enjoy the immense health benefits of fermented foods without stressing your sensitive stomach or causing any imbalance to your system thanks to our innovative EM-X Gold immunity booster formula, which contains:
100% Natural Molasses – which contains essential minerals, such as Iron and Calcium
100% Natural Nigari – this seawaterbased ingredient is rich in minerals
100% Natural Yeast Extract – extremely rich in nutrients and Vitamin B
100% Natural Coral Calcium – which contains Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium
Why Choose The Teraganix EM-X Gold Drink?
All-Natural Ingredients
Lactose-Free, Gluten-Free & Non-GMO Formula
NO Live Microorganisms
Faster Absorption
pH Restoring Action
Feel Healthier, More Productive & Happier!
Our immune booster drink will help balance your digestive system and promote gastrointestinal health, which is extremely important for your wellbeing. Restore your microbial flora balance in your gut and help reduce stress levels, anxiety and feel more confident than ever!
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